There are four basic tastes, including sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. Bitter is where we are right now, which stimulates the heart. The heart is most active in the summer. The heart and intestines are tuned together, so if you have problems with one, you’ll have problems with the other.
This is why most heart attacks happen in the summer. It has to do with the body changing. Our body goes through these changes as the seasons change without us knowing.
So, your organs and what you have a taste for are connected! There are foods that nurture and are practically medicinal for your body, and there are also foods that are hurtful, foods that, although you can eat them, will cause you to not feel great afterwards, or to not feel at your best.
We’re at the end of people having heart attacks, and moving into the season where we tend to have more small intestinal problems, which is late summer or Indian late summer, as some call it.
And it makes you crave the sweet taste. If not managed, you may end up giving in to that Hershey's Cookies n Creme bar when you’re checking out at a gas station or grocery store, or baking up a storm on a Sunday, feeling bad the beginning of that next week.
Since the pancreas is where your body makes its insulin, your body is telling you that it needs sweet, so give yourself sweets in the form of cooked carrots, cooked onions, cooked kale, winter squash, and parsnips, which all taste sweet when cooked.
You can get your good-quality sweets that nurture those organs by shopping here at our store as well as at the grocery store to get the fresh produce, and then you’re not craving that sugar.
We’ve got to eat the right foods at the right times to give our bodies the nutrients they need to strengthen the weaknesses that will exist for that season, and to prepare it, as always, for the seasons to come.
You can start shopping and preparing foods for different seasons that you would just add to your family’s meal, and everyone stays in balance. Everyone has their weaknesses. You will be able to learn how to strengthen them, with food! There are so many things we can do to help make our bodies feel better and perform at their best every single day.
Have fun with it! Once you're ready to start a healthy lifestyle, Five Seasons Whole Foods Market will help you throughout your journey. We know that you can do it!